Sunday, August 29, 2010


Can science get any crapper? Well yes, if you're at our school. We have to write a creative piece of writing about the element that the teacher gave you. Stuff that since mine's just a fact file about - you guessed it - helium but in a first person way, like "yo I'm helium and I hang out in the backstreets of the Periodic Table with my gang called the Noble Gases." (very gangtah yeah? jks) If y'all saw the labels you would've realized that this post was for something related to photoshop and sketches. And that photoshop-drawing would be my own sexy interpretation of the element helium. (lol) It reminds me of Kuchipatchi (whatever it's called) from Tamagotchi because of the mouth 8D but helium is orange here so yeeeeeah. Fancy having some protons and neutrons as headgear? Plus you get free FAAAAAAAAT electrons lurking around (laugh).

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